
Monday, November 29, 2010

Cyber Monday?

Somebody should really come up with a new name for "Cyber Monday", it's just awful. There has got to be something (anything) better and more appealing that we can call this "Black Friday" style event for shopping online. How about Magenta Monday? or Mouse Click Monday? or my personal fav, Holiday Shopping from Home in your Jammies with a Nice hot cup of Coffee Monday?

Anyway, if you are planning to do any Holiday Decor shopping in your jammies, please stop by the Paper & Cake etsy shop...there's a special coupon code to save 25%!

new in the shop! 2" Party Rounds for the Holiday Season


  1. Agreed! It's not a very appealing name at all.
    Great Etsy shop btw!!

  2. Oh I vote for Magenta Mondays!! Cute party circles, wish I had something fun to use them for!

