
Monday, April 18, 2011

Post-Weekend Update

This weekend was all about baseballs and antique malls. My friend Blair was appalled at the lack of furnishings in my front room, and forced me against my will (that last part was for my husband if he reads this) to the once a month antique market. We walked, and walked and walked and finally, at the last stall, found a super cute little black table. I'm hoping it will start me off towards grown-up-hood in furnishing my ultra echo-ey front room?

thats my table on the bottom left!

What was my husband doing with the kids to keep them busy while I was out? Well, he took them to their first official baseball game! The Long Beach Dirtbags were playing, and although they lost - badly - the kids had fun filling up on sunflower seeds and bubble gum.

I'm thinking to the week ahead, and there is SO much to do. I have a sneak peak to share with you all about my son's 6th Birthday party - Sharks and SCUBA divers! And Easter wouldn't be complete without a free download - stay tuned!

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