
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Holiday Bake Sale

Last Thursday night, the kids had their annual Holiday event at school. All the students - Kinder through 8th grade - took turns singing and dancing with their class. Of course there is also an auction and buffet to raise funds for the end of the year. What did I bring? Why pumpkin muffins of course! Easy, and slightly more healthy than lard frosting with sprinkles, I baked my little heart out.

After making about 70 cupcake size muffins, I had this sinking feeling that my "slightly healthier" choice might sit in a box as if sprinkled with the plague. After careful consideration, I decided to add a frosting drizzle and that I would need a little cupcake stand.

Frosting Drizzle: start with powdered sugar, add a little bit of water or milk and mix. add a little vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon. mix until you have drizzly consistency. (I know, its not super precise, but with this one feel free to experiment!)

Cupcake Stand Criteria: A) it would need to fit all 70 muffins without having to refill, B) it would have to cost less than a million dollars, C) it would have to be something that wouldn't really matter if I broke/lost it and D) it had to take less than 45 minutes to shop for.

This is what I came up with: 3 cake boards and 2 plastic ice cream dishes, and a little hot glue = $15.

1 comment:

  1. That tiered cupcake stand is sooooo clever! Such resourcefulness...and the cupcakes must've been delicious, too!
