
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nose to the Grindstone

I admit it... I've been really lax of late with my blogging. What with all the Christmas activities, family parties and (of course) naps, my plate has been full. But, now that Christmas is done, every single lego set is put together, and I've had some time to reboot, I am ready to get back to it!

Now, you are probably not quite ready to even think about it, and I sure don't want to stress you out, but there is a super fun holiday coming up (in February) and we here at Paper and Cake are burning the midnight oil to bring you some fresh party sets and maybe even some (super cute) photo props to help you celebrate.

In the meantime, I have some returns to do, (I'm sure you do too) and of course I should probably take down the tree? Enjoy your week!

1 comment:

  1. Valentine's here we come! Can't wait to see your printables and photo props for that!
