
Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day... to Chocolate or not to Chocolate

How is it that Valentine's Day is already upon us? Honestly, it still feels like January - or December for that matter. Anyway, I just wanted to show you the most fabulous Valentine's gift that I just received yesterday from my friend Terri. I am SO sorry to tell you, I can't share them because they are gone. We ate them. All.

I say we, but really it was mostly me.

German Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Toffee, Carrot Cake, Red Velvet, Lemon and Strawberry - way better than a box of chocolates EVERY day of the week. If you need some for Valentine's Day, well, it may be too late, but the good news is she makes cake pops and cake balls for every occasion for every season and they are all delish!

Stop by Terri's Party Treasures facebook page and say Hi, it will make her day.

Still looking for some super cute Valentine's Day printables? Stop by the shop for everything from kid friendly Luv Bugs, to Twilight inspired Dark Moon printable sets, and everything in between.

PS- Stop by next Monday for some big news and big giveaways!


  1. Wow, Terri has fabulous looking products...that I'm sure are just as delicious! Can see why the ones you received are all gone!

  2. I can't believe I am just now reading this! Thank you so much Abigail and I am glad that you liked them! Can't wait to see all of the pictures from the party!

  3. yummy!!!!! and they were YUMMY!!!!!
