
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who, Me?

It has been the most amazing whirlwind of a ride this year (all 33 days of it)! An amazing trip to New York (I never go anywhere), breathing the same air as Martha Stewart (and I'll tell you, it does not stink), meeting amazing and talented women from the blogosphere (DID+Amy+Jenn), and tops off with a little thing called the Martha Stewart "Doer of the Week".

But, I couldn't have done any of this, with out the never-ending support from you -- my friends, family, readers, followers and faithful customers. Thanks for being there for me, I appreciate it!

And now, I'm off to bake a cake and wrap a gift, my cute little girl turned 9 today! Now THAT is an accomplishment!

Autumn at 3 weeks... a rare moment of quiet


  1. I saw the feature-congratulations! It is so well deserved!

  2. thank you susan! and thank you for always letting me know you are here:) your time and comments always make my day!

  3. Abigail! I Love your blog!! You officially do it all and do it great! Congratulations on all of your success!!

  4. Congrats! You are so talented and deserve this!!!


  5. How exciting! So happy for you!

    A couple of things: 1. did we sit at the same table at ALT last year? and 2. I heard (via Dawn Smith) that you moved to too! Blogger meetup?!

