
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cake Balls: Better left to the Professionals

Do you ever have one of those days when it's spring break, the kids are home, it's raining outside and you have a overwhelming urge to bake? Well, this is the part where I should have just packed them up in the car and drove to the mall. Instead, we made cake balls.

Mistake number one: "Hey kids, want to help mommy in the kitchen?"

Okay okay, so it did get calmer and more fun as we went along. The kids were really excited to help out.

Now, you can find recipes for cake balls and cake pops almost anywhere online these days, but I had a Bakerella book that I received as a Christmas gift that was all shiny and new. So, I baked my cake and let the kids crumble it up in a giant bowl. Then they stirred in the frosting (really, you have to read the recipe) without too much of a mess.

Mistake number two: "Wouldn't it be fun if we used this pan of little cakelet molds that has been in the pantry for 3 years?"

There is probably a way to do it without all the cake sticking inside, but spraying it wasn't enough - let me know if you figure it out. Anyway, those helpful kids of mine jammed cake into all the little molds.

After freezing, and prying all the cakelets out one at a time with a knife, I got to dipping in melted chocolate. The kids had had enough at this time and were out in the garage with dad - I'm sure up to no good.

I would say it took a good hour of dipping time - mostly because I had to take a break, or two, and check my facebook - before I was finally finished. They are not the most beautiful things to look at, but boy they sure tasted good!

Want some advice? Leave the cake balls to the professionals, or at least try to follow their directions!


  1. I AGREE! I too made cake balls recently with the kids..... the kids stayed around for about 5 minutes, and left the rest up to me- long, tedious..... and in the end I felt like we just could have frosted to cake and been done with it!

  2. I make cake balls & cake pops (I've even sold some!) BUT even with a little experience, I recently tried making them in silicone heart molds - you know Valentine's Day...great idea in theory. BUT reality is: regardless of how much non-stick spray and/or magic, they aren't coming out looking good. Next time, just make balls and put a ton of sprinkles on them! :)
