
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You Say Doughnuts and I Say Donuts

I have this brand new Wilton Mini-donut pan in my pantry, but even with the door closed I could hear it calling my name... louder and louder every day. Maybe that was my daughter, and not the pan? Anyway, the pan comes with a recipe, that I went ahead and whipped up while the kids were at school. After they got home we frosted and sprinkled them until we could frost and sprinkle no more!

Yum. But then I have a soft spot for donuts.. (remember this? Our Sweet Argyle donut party)


  1. Those mini doughnuts are adorable!

  2. Oh my goodness, not only do those look delish -- your children's decorating skills are pro!

  3. I am craving doughnuts this morning now! I love how tiny they are.
