
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Countdown to Martha

I've been to New York once. In January of '08. January. It was COLD! (mostly because I am, born and raised, a Southern California girl). It was a whirlwind trip to visit a friend, I was in the city for a total of 48 hours - exactly. I've been trying to figure out a way to get back there, maybe in the spring or early summer for another adventure, but it just isn't going to happen.

Mostly because I'm going back NEXT WEEK! Yes, January again. And it's going to be COLD. But I don't think I'll care, because I'm going to see Martha.


Yes, Martha Stewart is hosting a "Dreamers into Doers" two day event filled with workshops, forums, discussions and will be topped off with a taping of her show. I am so looking forward to meeting the 78 women who will be there with me, experiencing this once in a lifetime opportunity, in pursuit of their dreams.

ps- My daughter thinks Martha and I should go out for a cupcake.


  1. Completely jealous!!! Sounds like an awesome trip. Good for you!!!

  2. SO jealous!! Have the BEST time!!

  3. I am a little jealous to but so happy for you! :) What an amazing opportunity!

  4. You are super cute, abby! go abby!! stay warm.

  5. Yep, I am so jealous! I am in love with that city. But not the weather.
    Have fun!

  6. What a fun blog you have! I have been perusing past posts and they are so much fun... especially your family portrail post. It was so creative!
    Have fun with Martha! I am so thrilled for you.
    Enjoy the bluster New York weather!
    I have loved my stop here!

  7. I'm a west coast gal myself! Been here in NY for 4 yrs now~ still not use to it;( It will be FREEZING! We have a blizzard coming tomorrow! Hopefully the sun will show its face for the event;)

  8. Have a BLAST chica!!! So wish I was going too. I'm on the wait list so it doesn't seem to be in the cards for this superchick. Grrrrrrrr Can't wait to hear about your trip!!! xoxo

  9. thanks ladies :) i have my boots packed, i think i have something to wear to the show taping, and my stomach is full of butterflies... im as ready as ill ever be!

  10. Enjoy, enjoy! Looking forward to your posts about this awesome opportunity.
