
Monday, January 17, 2011

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Armed with only a warm coat, some business cards and a few hundred vanilla mints, I am boarding a non-stop to NYC (well, not "only" but you get the idea). It does seem a bit surreal, and I can't seem to shake the butterflies, but as soon as I put the finishing touches on my (over) packing job, I am ready!

Tonight I will meet up with my friend (business guru, trusted advisor, fellow foodie), and travel partner, Brenda at our hotel. We have plans to attend a cocktail reception, and then dinner at nine pm. Who eats dinner at 9pm? I'm tired just thinking about it.

Tomorrow morning when I wake up - at 4:30am PST - I will gulp a pot of coffee and hail a cab to see the Martha show, live and in person. The remainder of the day will be spent soaking in the information. Soaking. Information. and LOTS of it!

If I don't fall asleep in the cab ride back to the hotel, I will attempt to post the highlights of the day. And pictures - lots of pictures!

While you are so patiently waiting, our friend Kendra over at My Insanity is having a little (BIG) contest. In celebration of her 3rd Blogoversary, she is asking everyone to enter their most fabulous party of 2010 for a chance to win big. And guess who is supplying one of the prizes? Yup. You guessed it. Enter to WIN our Peace, Love and Party printable set along with any Printable Photo Prop collection of your choice. Good luck!