
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

part 1: A Martha Adventure

I am tired. It is late. So I'll make this one short short short!

As Brenda and I walked out of the hotel this morning, we met up with a lovely "Dreamer" named Heather. You may have heard of her? She deigns the most amazing children's backpacks and accessories. Anyway, there was not a cab in sight, so the three of us hoofed it the 4 blocks (long blocks, really long sleet filled blocks, these were NOT petite blocks) in the FREEZING RAIN to Martha's studio.

Once there, we had was a little bit of waiting, form filling out and mandatory bathroom breaks, before we filed into the studio itself. They do require bright and colorful attire for the audience, so I think it was the bright mustard jacket that got Brenda and I placed in the FRONT ROW! (thanks for the suggestion Missy)

The guest of the day was the oh so funny Fred Armisen (of Saturday Night Live). He made chicken tostadas with Martha. Now that doesn't sound very humorous, but the way he handled her was definitely memorable.

I did really enjoy the taping, but it was just bizarre to be there. If you want to see me smile and clap, watch this...

Well, it's off to bed... more tomorrow!


  1. How exciting! I would have been smiling big and clapping lots if i was there too. BTW congrats on the front row seats!

  2. How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you had an absolute blast, stay warm : )


  3. HOW FUN!!! And such an AMAZING way to start the new year!
