
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mini Desserts

Mini desserts on a mini dessert buffet, cute right? I was really inspired by a new line of Tasting Party sets from Pier One, LOVE these mini dishes! I was planning on making a regular size strawberry trifle, but individuals were just way cuter. Paired with mini carrot cupcakes and mini peanut butter brownies, this mini dessert mini buffet was just the right size for our family Easter celebration.

Carrot Cupcake recipe is here
Peanut butter brownie recipe is from here
Strawberry Trifle recipe is here


  1. hey, can i borrow those dishes for a dessert table i have to do for a baby shower in a few weeks? :)

  2. Mini desserts are my favorite, I feel like I can eat more just because they are little. Great pictures

  3. LOVE these mini dishes! I was planning on making a regular size strawberry trifle, but individuals were just way cuter. Paired with mini carrot cupcakes and mini peanut butter brownies, this mini dessert mini buffet was just the right size for our family Easter celebration.
